ADHD Money Talk Blog

What To Do When There’s No Money Left After the Necessities

Written by David DeWitt, CFP® | May 10, 2024 4:00:00 PM

Managing finances can be a juggling act, with so many expenses to consider before we can even think about contributing to our savings. We often find ourselves walking a tightrope, needing exceptional balance to ensure our finances are running smoothly. Yet at times, despite our best efforts, we can find ourselves in a position where fixed expenses consume every penny. This predicament is all too familiar for many, where necessary expenses such as housing, bills, healthcare and education devour every dollar, leaving little room for savings or emergencies. So how do we get out of this position and reclaim financial stability?


Today’s post will delve into the complexities of this financial predicament, exploring strategies to navigate through the tightest of budgets to come out on top. From confronting our spending habits with unflinching honesty to seeking avenues for increasing income, we'll uncover actionable steps to get back on the path to financial prosperity.

Wants VS Needs

The first step in tackling this challenge is brutal honesty. It's a moment that demands a critical examination of our spending habits, asking ourselves the tough questions: Are all our expenses genuine necessities, or have some luxuries disguised themselves as essential needs? Distinguishing between the two is crucial. Frugality, a virtue often overshadowed in a society driven by consumerism, is about spending considerably less than what we earn. It's a lesson exemplified by the likes of Mark Zuckerberg, who opts for modesty despite his immense wealth. This may mean reducing our reliance on expensive services, switching to generic household products or opting for staying in rather than going out when seeing friends or relatives. These changes can be temporary, until you’re back on your feet and have established good habits, but you may also find you prefer living with less to instead further your financial gain.

It is important to understand, however, that some rising expenses are out of your control, and cutting back isn’t always enough. Inflation further tightens the belt, eroding purchasing power without a corresponding increase in income. In such cases, the issue isn't frivolous spending—it's inadequate earnings.

Reassessing Your Income

Acknowledging this reality isn't easy; it's a pivotal moment that demands a thorough reassessment of our work and how it fits within our lifestyle. Recognizing that our current income may not suffice to meet our financial goals underscores the urgency for change., making an higher income not just a desire but a necessity. Whether through upskilling, diversifying with side gigs, or actively seeking better-paying opportunities, we must explore every avenue available to boost our earning potential. Our greatest asset, our intellect, serves as a formidable tool in this pursuit. By continuously learning, adapting, and leveraging our skills and knowledge, we can position ourselves for greater financial success and security.


The Importance of Financial Literacy

Financial literacy is not just a luxury but a necessity in today's complex economic landscape. Understanding personal finance empowers us to make informed decisions that can profoundly impact our financial well-being. One area where financial literacy can yield significant benefits is in optimizing expenses. For example, by comparing energy providers or insurance plans, we can often find better deals that result in lower monthly payments, thereby freeing up funds. Additionally, financial literacy enables us to recognize and avoid common pitfalls such as high-interest debt or unnecessary fees, encouraging strategic decision-making that minimizes costs and maximizes returns.Moreover, learning about investment strategies allows individuals to grow their wealth over time, rather than letting it stagnate in low-interest savings accounts. It's about making money work for us, not the other way around.

Taking the Next Steps

Addressing financial constraints necessitates a multifaceted strategy that combines honesty, adaptability, and foresight. It's a journey that requires us to confront our financial realities, acknowledging both our limitations and opportunities for growth, and make intentional choices to improve our situations. Economic landscapes are constantly evolving, and our strategies must evolve with them. Whether it's exploring new income streams, adjusting spending habits, or seizing unexpected opportunities, being flexible allows us to work through periods of financial uncertainty and emerge stronger on the other side, setting ourselves up for financial freedom in the long run