Understanding the Value of ADHD Financial Planning 

For the Future Infocus Client

Here, you will learn about our core values, planning process, and the unique benefits of our ADHD-friendly financial planning services to help you understand the true value of what we offer. Discover how our tailored approach can lead you to both short-term achievements and long-term financial success. 


Understanding the ADHD Financial Planning Paradox

We ADHDers are wired to place steep discounts on future rewards and place rich premiums on near term rewards. This presents us with the ADHD Financial Planning Paradox.

This term describes the conflict between the long-term nature of financial planning
and the common ADHD-related difficulty in prioritizing long-term rewards.

Why It Matters

  • Immediate vs. Future Rewards: Financial planning often requires decisions that won’t pay off until far in the future. For someone with ADHD, who may naturally prioritize immediate gratification, this aspect of financial management can feel particularly challenging and at times, unrewarding.

Our Approach to Addressing the Paradox

  • Tailored Financial Strategies: We create financial plans that incorporate short-term achievements and rewards, making the journey towards long-term goals more engaging and rewarding. This helps bridge the gap between immediate needs and future benefits.

  • Visual and Interactive Tools: By utilizing visual aids and interactive financial tools, we make the abstract aspects of financial planning more tangible and comprehensible. This can help in maintaining focus and interest in long-term outcomes.

  • Regular Milestones: We set frequent milestones and checkpoints to provide a sense of accomplishment and progress, keeping motivation levels high and making the long-term benefits of financial decisions feel more immediate and impactful.

  • Behavioral Coaching: Understanding that behavior is a key component in financial success, especially for those with ADHD, we offer behavioral coaching that helps reframe perspectives on long-term rewards and develop healthier financial habits.

The Value of Financial Planning

Navigating the investment landscape, taking decisive steps towards building enduring wealth, embracing the journey, and envisioning a future that's worth every effort.

Understanding the Investment: We know that the initial costs of engaging in a comprehensive financial plan can feel substantial, especially when the rewards are not immediately visible. It’s important to recognize that this investment is not just monetary—it’s an investment in your future self.

Immediate Actions for Long-term Wealth: By taking action today and implementing the recommended strategies, you are actively building wealth that will far exceed the initial cost of planning. These steps, though they require faith and patience, are designed to secure a more prosperous financial future.

Trust the Process: By sticking with the process and staying engaged, you set the foundation for significant long-term benefits. Our planning isn’t just about managing money, it’s about setting up a future where financial stability and growth are achievable and sustainable.

A Future Worth Planning For: Imagine looking back years from now, thankful that you made the decision to start. Your future self will appreciate the sacrifices and efforts made today, as they reap the benefits of financial security and prosperity that come from disciplined and strategic financial planning.

How Financial Planning Can Make You Happier

Reduced financial anxiety: Financial planners guide clients through complex financial decisions and provide reassurance, leading to reduced stress and anxiety.

Motivation: Financial planners hold clients accountable for their financial goals, providing encouragement and motivation to stay on track.

Financial confidence: Financial planners help clients understand their finances and make informed decisions, boosting their financial confidence.

Increased sense of control and legacy: Financial planners provide guidance and support, giving clients a sense of control over their finances and ensuring their values are reflected in their financial decisions.

Stronger relationships: By working with financial planners, couples can improve communication and relationship satisfaction around financial matters.

Increased overall happiness: Research shows that people who have financial advisors are statistically happier than those who don't, with significant increases in fulfillment, intention, impactfulness, and gratefulness.

Very practical ways financial planners add value to clients:

Time savings: Financial planners can help clients save time by taking care of complex financial tasks, such as tax planning, investment management, and estate planning. This can free up clients to focus on other tasks, such as their careers or families.

Expertise and knowledge: Financial planners have the expertise and knowledge to help clients make informed financial decisions. They can help clients understand complex financial products and strategies and make recommendations tailored to their individual needs and goals.

Accountability: Financial planners can help clients stay accountable for their financial goals. They can provide regular check-ins and support to help clients stay on track and make progress towards their goals.

Reduced financial anxiety: Financial planners can help clients reduce financial anxiety by providing peace of mind and confidence in their financial plans. They can help clients understand their financial situation, develop a plan to achieve their goals, and make informed financial decisions.

Improved financial outcomes: Financial planners can help clients improve their financial outcomes by providing sound financial advice and guidance. They can help clients make better investment decisions, save more money, and reduce their taxes.

Debiasing: Financial planners can help clients overcome cognitive biases and make more rational financial decisions.

Financial coach for Implementation: Financial planners can provide ongoing support and guidance to help clients stick to their financial plans.

Here are some specific quantitatively measurable ways financial planners can add value to clients:

Increased investment returns

 Financial planners can help clients achieve higher investment returns by providing investment advice and guidance. Studies have shown that financial advisors can add up to 3-4% to portfolio returns over the long term.

Tax savings

Financial planners can help clients save money on taxes by providing tax planning. Tax savings can be a significant benefit, especially for high-income earners.

Reduced expenses

 Financial planners can help clients reduce their expenses by providing budgeting and financial planning advice. Expense reduction can free up more money for saving and investing.

Increased savings

Financial planners can help clients increase their savings by providing budgeting and financial planning advice. Increased savings can help clients reach their financial goals faster.

Reduced financial anxiety

 Financial planners can help clients reduce financial anxiety by providing peace of mind and confidence in their financial plans. Financial anxiety can be a major source of stress and can lead to poor financial decisions.

Claiming tax deductions, credits, and tax-free investing opportunities

Potential economic impact: $1,000s or $10,000s

Real-world impact: Paying for your daughter's or son's wedding, buying a new car in cash

Tax deferral - Retirement contributions, tax loss harvesting

Potential economic impact: $10,000s or $100,000s

Real-world impact: A donation to your alma mater that helps a low-income student pay tuition, an overseas trip to the Mediterranean, paying off your mortgage a decade sooner than expected

Tax bracket arbitrage - Roth conversions, tax-sensitive liquidations

Potential economic impact: 0% - 30% of total wealth

Real-world impact: Avoiding a $35,000 tax bill

Financial planners help free up time for clients by

Providing direct time-savings: Planners offload tasks such as research, analysis, and decision-making, allowing clients to focus on other priorities.

Capitalizing on opportunities and mitigating losses: Planners identify financial opportunities and address potential pitfalls, saving clients time and effort in managing their finances effectively.

Delivering tailored investment portfolio construction and ongoing maintenance: Planners create and manage personalized portfolios, freeing clients from the burden of making complex investment decisions.

Acting as an accountability partner: Planners provide ongoing support and guidance, motivating clients to stay on track with their financial goals while holding them accountable for their actions.

Income Tax Benefits

Claiming Tax Deductions and Credits:
Advising on how to use deductions and credits effectively to minimize tax liability. This includes guidance on tax-free investing opportunities, which can save thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars, potentially paying for significant life events like weddings or new cars.

Tax Deferral Strategies: Maximizing contributions to retirement accounts and using tax loss harvesting to defer taxes, potentially saving significant amounts over time and enabling major financial goals like charitable donations or early mortgage payoff.

Tax Bracket Arbitrage: Advising on strategies like Roth conversions and tax-sensitive liquidations to optimize tax exposure based on current and projected income, potentially avoiding substantial tax bills.

Investment Planning Benefits

Choosing Lower-Cost Investments:
Reducing investment costs by selecting low-fee funds, which can significantly increase the size of retirement savings.

Tax Loss Harvesting: Strategically selling securities at a loss to offset capital gains tax liabilities, contributing to a larger retirement nest egg.

Asset Location: Placing investments in tax-efficient accounts to enhance after-tax returns, potentially increasing retirement savings.

Investment Rebalancing: Regularly adjusting the asset mix to maintain a desired level of risk, enhancing the ability to capture investment premiums from various asset classes.

Managing the Behavior Gap: Educating and coaching to prevent irrational investment decisions during market volatility, helping to maintain consistent investment strategies and avoid common pitfalls that lead to lower returns.

Estate Tax Benefits

Reducing Federal and State Estate Taxes:
Implementing strategies to minimize estate taxes, ensuring more of the estate passes to heirs or charities.

Probate and Settlement Cost Savings: Organizing and structuring assets to bypass or simplify the probate process, reducing costs and ensuring timely distribution of assets.

Ensuring Proper Asset Distribution: Establishing clear directives for asset distribution to avoid disputes and ensure assets are transferred according to the client's wishes, providing peace of mind.

Retirement Planning Benefits

Tax-Efficient Withdrawal Strategies:
Advising on which accounts to withdraw from and when, to reduce tax liability during retirement.

Maximizing Social Security Benefits: Determining optimal timing and strategies for claiming benefits to maximize income throughout retirement.

Medicare Planning: Advising on income levels to avoid or reduce Medicare Part B and Part D premium surcharges, potentially saving thousands annually.

Budgeting and Spending Policies: Setting financial guidelines that ensure sustainable spending through retirement, facilitating major life experiences like vacations or home improvements.

Insurance Planning Benefits

Optimizing Insurance Coverage:
Ensuring adequate protection against risks while avoiding overpayment for unnecessary coverages, saving money and preventing financial catastrophes.

Comprehensive Risk Management: Providing a safety net through strategic insurance planning, ensuring family security regardless of life's uncertainties.

Delegation Benefits

Enhancing Time Value:
Managing financial tasks to free up client's time for personal pursuits, increasing life satisfaction and reducing stress.

Ensuring Task Completion: Taking responsibility for financial task execution, from investment decisions to filing taxes, ensuring nothing is overlooked and enhancing overall financial management.

Behavioral Benefits

Debiasing Financial Decisions: Offering objective advice to counteract emotional decision-making, leading to more rational investment choices and better financial outcomes.

Acting as a Financial Coach: Providing ongoing guidance and accountability in financial actions, saving clients significant time and improving money management outcomes.

Financial planners help free up time for clients by:

Providing direct time-savings: Planners offload tasks such as research, analysis, and decision-making, allowing clients to focus on other priorities.

Capitalizing on opportunities and mitigating losses: Planners identify financial opportunities and address potential pitfalls, saving clients time and effort in managing their finances effectively.

Delivering tailored investment portfolio construction and ongoing maintenance: Planners create and manage personalized portfolios, freeing clients from the burden of making complex investment decisions.

Acting as an accountability partner: Planners provide ongoing support and guidance, motivating clients to stay on track with their financial goals while holding them accountable for their actions.


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