3 min read

Managing ADHD-related Clutter and Financial Documents

Ah, the struggle of wrangling clutter and staying on top of financial documents—quite the challenge, especially for us adults with ADHD. The overwhelming disarray makes it difficult to track expenses, locate important papers, and maintain financial stability. It's like our brains are already a whirlwind, and the thought of physical clutter only adds to the chaos! But fear not, my fellow adults with ADHD, for I have some practical tips to help you regain control, manage the mess, and organize your financial documents like a pro.

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  • Create a dedicated financial organization system: Let's establish a system that's tailor-made for managing your financial documents. Whether you choose digital storage, folders, or binders, the key is consistency. Sort your documents by type, such as bank statements, bills, and receipts. Clear labels and a structured approach are essential for maintaining an organized system.
  • If that sounds overwhelming, then there is a step you can take to make accessing documents frictionless is the future: Use a password manager like LastPass and log in to all your financial institutions, being sure to save the passwords to your password manager. 
  • Another shortcut, building on the previous idea, is to download all statements and relevant financial documents to your computer and just put them all in one " Finance " folder." Then use a service like Listary for Windows or Alfred for Mac that enables you to search for any file on your computer easily. 
  • Implement regular decluttering routines: Make decluttering a regular habit to prevent paperwork from piling up. Dedicate time each week or month to sort through your documents. Discard anything that's no longer necessary and organize the rest. Breaking this task into manageable chunks will reduce overwhelm and make it easier to tackle.
  • Embrace technology for document management: Technology can be a game-changer when it comes to managing your documents. Use scanning apps or document-management software to digitize your financial records. This allows for easy storage, backup, and searchability, freeing you from the physical clutter and bringing order to your digital realm. Try a free service like Notion to create financial dashboards for all of your important information. 
  • Discover digital financial tools: Explore the world of digital financial tools that can simplify your life. There are apps and software available with features like budget management, expense tracking, and bill reminders. Find the tools that align with your preferences and needs, and let them assist you in staying organized and on top of your finances. Monarch Money is my favorite for budgeting. 
  • Try creating auto-forwarding of emails to specified email folders. Auto forwarding of emails can be a game-changer when it comes to creating financial organization. By setting up auto-forwarding rules, you can ensure that all your financial-related emails go directly to specified email folders. This eliminates the need to manually sort through your inbox and saves you precious time and energy. You can create folders for different types of financial documents, such as bills, bank statements, and receipts. With this automated system in place, you can easily locate and access important financial information whenever you need it. No more searching through a cluttered inbox or worrying about missing important emails. Auto forwarding of emails takes the hassle out of financial organization and helps you stay on top of your finances with ease.
  • Set up automatic bill payments: Say goodbye to the stress of remembering due dates and potential late fees. Automate your bill payments to ensure they are paid on time. This not only reduces the chance of losing or forgetting bills but also eliminates the clutter caused by paper statements. Set it and forget it!
  • Keep important documents secure: Find a secure place to store your important financial documents, such as insurance policies, tax returns, and identification cards. Consider using a digital password-protected safe or a physical lockbox to safeguard sensitive information. Knowing your vital documents are safe and organized brings peace of mind.
  • Create habits for document maintenance: Establishing habits can be a game-changer in maintaining document organization. Set aside a specific day each month to review, organize, and file new documents. Creating a routine helps maintain order and prevents clutter from building up over time. Consistency is key!
  • Seek professional assistance: Don't hesitate to reach out for professional help if managing and organizing your financial documents feels overwhelming. A financial planner or professional organizer can offer guidance, strategies, and accountability tailored to your ADHD needs. Sometimes, having an expert by your side can make all the difference.
  • Embrace the power of minimalism: Simplify your life by adopting a minimalist mindset. Regularly review your documents and possessions, keeping only what's valuable and necessary. Letting go of clutter frees up physical and mental space, reducing stress and bringing a sense of calm to your financial world.
  • Celebrate progress: Acknowledge and celebrate your strides in managing ADHD-related clutter and organizing your financial records. Each step forward is an achievement worth recognizing. Celebrate your accomplishments to reinforce positive habits and motivate yourself on this journey to financial organization.
  • Need some help determining what documents you even need to organize? Here is a checklist to help you get started. This is the checklist I (sometimes, since it can be overwhelming) give to my clients.

Remember, my fellow ADHDers, with consistent effort and the right strategies, you can conquer the clutter and gain control over your financial documents. By implementing a structured system, consistently decluttering, utilizing technology, setting up automatic payments, securing essential documents, forming productive habits, seeking professional guidance when necessary, and embracing a minimalist approach, you can revolutionize your financial organization.


Ready to bid farewell to the chaos?

Explore my service for adults with ADHD and let's embark on this journey of organization together!

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