2 min read

Building Financial Self-Efficacy One Meal at a Time

Hey there, folks! Let's talk about something that comes up A LOT when I'm helping people get their financial ducks in a row: eating out and ordering in. Yup, those oh-so-convenient yet budget-busting decisions that can make your wallet lighter and your financial goals seem farther away.


Why This is a Big Deal

First off, I get it. After a long day, who wants to deal with cooking and cleaning? The siren call of food delivery apps or your favorite restaurant can be impossible to ignore. But listen, this habit is often the single biggest obstacle in getting your finances on track. And given that you're here, I think it's safe to say we both want you to rock those financial goals, right?


The Spiral of Shame (And How to Avoid It)

If you're someone with ADHD or just human (who isn't?), you've probably had your fair share of "Oops, I did it again" moments. I've seen so many clients get stuck in a cycle of guilt and shame because they set financial goals that were way too ambitious. The last thing we want is another failure, especially when ADHD can already make some aspects of money management challenging.


Baby Steps to Self-Efficacy

Here's the plan: start small. No, really. We're talking turtle-pace small. How about we aim to reduce eating out or ordering in just twice a week? Yeah, you heard me, only twice. This is all about building self-efficacy—that belief in your own abilities to tackle challenges.

Why? When you get that first 'W' on the board, a magical thing happens. Your mindset starts to shift. You start to think, "Hey, maybe I can do this!" and that feeling is as contagious as laughter. Before you know it, you're excited to make the next move, shame takes a backseat, and you're fueled by fresh momentum to continue building the financial life you want.


Let’s Rack Up Those Wins!

Imagine what you could do with the extra money. Maybe it’s adding to your emergency fund, going on that vacation you've been daydreaming about, or even seeking more specialized help to manage your finances. The world becomes your financial oyster!



The road to financial freedom isn't paved overnight, and that's completely fine. Let's celebrate the small wins, and use them as stepping stones to bigger victories. So, are you with me? Let’s knock out this small goal and pave the way for a financially healthier you.

So go ahead, mark it in your calendar, set a reminder, or do whatever it takes to remember: this week, we’re eating out two times less. And trust me, your future self will thank you for it. Cheers to that! 🥂

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