ADHD Money Talk Blog

ADHD Money Talk dives deep into the unique financial challenges and opportunities faced by those with ADHD, offering actionable advice on budgeting, investing, behavior modification, and wealth-building. It's where practical finance meets the ADHD world, empowering you to master your money!


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Turn Your ADHD-Fueled Hobby Money Pit into Profit: Unleash the Entrepreneur

2 min read

Turn Your ADHD-Fueled Hobby Money Pit into Profit: Unleash the Entrepreneur

Benefits of starting an LLC for an ADHD Entrepreneur Read More
It's Open Enrolment Time: A Guide for the ADHD Money Mind

5 min read

It's Open Enrolment Time: A Guide for the ADHD Mind

Hello, folks! David DeWitt, CFP® here, reminding you that it's the most wonderful time of the year—no, not Christmas—open enrollment season! 🍁 Read More
The Pseudo-Productivity Paradox and Financial Health: An ADHD Perspective

2 min read

The Pseudo-Productivity Paradox and Financial Health: An ADHD Perspective

You're Not Alone Hey, let's get real for a moment. Whether it's pseudo-productivity or emotional reactions to money and criticism, we've all been there. And if you've got ADHD, you're definitely not sailing this ship alone. So, take a deep breath.... Read More
ADHD Money

3 min read

ADHD and Overcoming the Fear of Failure in Business, Finances, and Life

Life can often feel like a rollercoaster, and when ADHD is part of the equation, it's like riding that rollercoaster blindfolded. Four days ago, my son Theo was born. With his arrival, my sleep has taken a nosedive, my energy is scattered, and my... Read More