ADHD Money Talk Blog

ADHD Money Talk dives deep into the unique financial challenges and opportunities faced by those with ADHD, offering actionable advice on budgeting, investing, behavior modification, and wealth-building. It's where practical finance meets the ADHD world, empowering you to master your money!


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2 min read

What To Do When There’s No Money Left After the Necessities

Managing finances can be a juggling act, with so many expenses to consider before we can even think about contributing to our savings. We often find ourselves walking a tightrope, needing exceptional balance to ensure our finances are running... Read More

2 min read

ADHD Guide: Overcoming Perfectionism when Budgeting

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the process of budgeting? Do you get nervous when consolidating your finances, worrying about getting every detail perfect? Budgeting is a fundamental aspect of financial health, however those with ADHD tend to face... Read More

3 min read

How to Overcome the Three Biggest Budget Killers

Are you tired of feeling like your budget is slipping out of control every month? Do you find yourself constantly overspending, despite your best efforts to stick to a plan? If so, you're not alone. Many people struggle with managing their... Read More

2 min read

Easily Consolidate Your Amazon Purchases on the Mobile App

Ever experienced that mini heart attack when an Amazon transaction pops up in your budgeting app? Suddenly, you're on a digital scavenger hunt, going through your Amazon history to decipher whether that amount was for a single item or multiple... Read More
Where is my money going

4 min read

There is No Money Left After Paying My Bills

A podcast listener recently asked me this question. "What does one do if, after adding up fixed expenses, there is no money leftover and nothing to cut back on?" In this post, I will share my thoughts on what to consider if you find yourself in this... Read More

8 min read

How ADHD Adults can Stop Eating their Financial Futures

You have a food problem. Let's face it. Why else would you have clicked to read this blog post? In this blog, I will call you out (you need it), explain why it's hurting you so badly, and offer some solutions. Read More

2 min read

Budgets Can be Easy & Fun!

Let me set the stage: your sink is full of dishes and you would rather die than load them into the dishwasher. Your laundry is overflowing and you would rather learn calculus than fold them. It’s just so boring! And that budget? Also boring. And... Read More

3 min read

What to Do With Extra Money in Savings

Let's start with, CONGRATULATIONS! You have a budget. You’ve stuck to it and now you have a savings account that actually has money in it. This success deserves some serious recognition. You have been: Read More
ADHD & budgeting

2 min read

ADHD-Friendly Budgeting 101

Today is the day. –The day your budget supports your life; your ultimate ‘Why’. –The day you start to make finances a choice. –The day you learn to love your budget. Suspicious? Maybe you are thinking that: I won't follow through. I don’t want to... Read More