David T DeWitt

2 min read

Retirement Is About Income … and Taxes

You’ve figured out your budget, your retirement nest egg is substantial, and you’re ready to make the transition to living on income from savings instead of income from work. But have you thought through the tax implications? It’s very common for...

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4 min read

Rising Rates: What’s the Impact on Investment Portfolios?

In 2019, the Federal Reserve began to cut the Fed Funds rate for the first time since the Global Financial Crisis, as the economy showed some signs...

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Tennis investing

1 min read

You Don't Know what you Don't Know - A Tennis and Investing Lesson

The last time I wrote about tennis was defending against Tom Wilkinson and his spinning lefty serve. I decided that my serve could use some help, so...

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Values-based planning

1 min read

Connecting your Money to your Values

The reasons to do a financial plan are many and varied. Most people who are interested want to know if they are on track for retirement. Doing a...

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2 min read

How is Tennis like Investing in Today's Market?

Tennis Lesson #1 Tennis is a game of errors. The main goal of tennis is to make fewer errors than your opponent. Today, we will discuss the use of...

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 Uncle Sam Taxes

2 min read

Is it Time to End your IRA Partnership with Uncle Sam?

Roth IRAs are favored by Ed Slott, a nationally recognized retirement and IRA expert, with whom I worked in the past as one of his Elite IRA...

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2 min read

Investing in Retirement: It’s About Avoiding Volatility

You’ve been saving and investing diligently and now retirement is finally here. You may be at the end of the working stage of your life, but the...

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