3 min read

How to Adjust Your Money Mindset

Let's start with: not everything you think is true (honestly? This blew my mind).

And from there, progress to: New thoughts = New feelings = New actions.

Welcome to Money Mindset. And yes. This is hard work. Recognizing and changing your mindset about anything is a bold and brave undertaking. So go into this with a good mindset! Be patient, understanding, and don’t give up when it gets hard. 

Money Mindset is your established set of attitudes about money. It is typically unconscious, meaning you don’t think about it; you simply see it as your truth. And I am here to remind you again that not everything you think is true!

Especially because your money belief system is set around age 7.1 This means that your money mindset was solidified when you were a child. So, let's dig in and see what your inner child has to say, and learn how your adult self can rewrite those old belief systems. 

Ask yourself: What was money like in your household? 

–Was there tension? 

–Was your family low or high income?

–Were you shielded from money?

–Who was in charge of money? 

–Did you get an allowance? Were you allowed to spend it how you wanted?

These are some questions to get you started. Money and relationships are really complex, and what I want you to do here is tease out where some of those deepset belief systems started.  

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think about money? For some people, it looks like:

–I can’t stick to a budget.

–There is no way that I can save money.

–Money comes and goes, and that is out of my control.

There are a lot of fears, feelings, and emotions, both positive and negative, that come up with money beliefs. Take your time, and write them down (by now you know how much I love writing things out with pen and paper). 

When you are finished, read them out loud to yourself. When I did this it took my breath away. It was absolutely not a relationship that I wanted. So, I took a deep breath and looked for a better perspective.

You can do the same thing. Let’s rewrite those old beliefs and turn it into a relationship that is appreciated, a life where you are in charge of your money. Take a moment and imagine it: You have a savings account, a retirement account, your time is spent connecting with things that you love. You have a Money Mindset that moves you towards your ultimate ‘Why’.

Here are some examples.

 –I can't stick to a budget.

*I am capable of managing my money. I know what I want in life, and I am using my finances to move me towards that goal.

–There is no way that I can save money.

*I deserve the freedom that comes with a savings account. I know my ultimate ‘Why’, and I am using my money to move me towards those goals.

–Money comes and goes, and that is out of my control.

*I deserve the control that saving money brings. I am in charge of how much I work and earn, and I can manage that money.

New thoughts = New feelings = New actions. It takes time, but with persistence it works.

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You Deserve Financial Independence

Peace of mind. A relationship with money that brings you joy. You are capable of managing your money in a way that moves you closer to your 'Why’. 

So, give that inner child a hug, and then take charge. As an adult, you get to choose how your relationship with money looks. 

Because you deserve to enjoy the freedom, happiness, and peace of mind that financial independence can bring you.

And most importantly, do not give up. Setbacks will happen. Take a deep breath, reset, and get back your ‘Why’. It’s the freedom that you deserve.


Would you like some more guidance? Looking for other ways to connect? Check out my planning and coaching service. There are three tiers, so it is affordable for everyone. I’ve got your back!

Join my Facebook group! I have some big ideas flowing through my brain about ways to add value and fun to your finances. Hang out with like-minded people, build community, and make money fun.

I am also on Instagram and Linkedin, so come visit for more budget tips and ideas.

As always, feel free to ask questions any time. I look forward to hearing from you!

1.  https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbescoachescouncil/2019/11/04/how-your-parents-beliefs-about-money-can-impact-your-entrepreneurial-journey/?sh=34d354b3339d
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