David DeWitt, CFP®

2 min read

Does a New Administration Mean Higher Estate Taxes?

President-elect Biden has a very thorough plan for what he’d like to do about taxes, but whether it makes it through Congress immediately will depend on what happens in January with the Senate races. One element of this is to restore the gift and...

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2 min read

Joe Biden's Tax Plan - How it Could Affect your Retirement Planning

It may not be official yet, but it’s likely that in January we’ll be looking at a new administration. The overall ability to effect change will...

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1 min read

Do Presidents Affect the Market Over the Long Term?

There is a way to bet on the outcome of the election – but the stock market isn’t it. For many investors, the uncertainty of an election season can...

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2 min read

Traditional Financial Planning – With A Non-Traditional Edge

Traditional Financial Planning – With A Non-Traditional Edge For decades, DeWitt Capital has always focused on the basics for our clients – we want...

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1 min read

Is Brewing Beer like Investing?

Our latest podcast is all about beer, and how brewing beer is a lot like our investment process. Here's a peak into what you will hear:

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2 min read

Has this Been a Healthy Market Rally?

More than 38 million Americans have lost their jobs, and the S&P 500 is up 5% over the last twelve months. GDP is going to contract as much as 30%,...

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Podcast Episode #2 Tax-Efficient Investing

Our second podcast covers some tax considerations investors should think about when investing. Topics covered include:

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2 min read

The Rules-Based Engine that Could

Check out our first episode of "Your Money" with DeWitt Capital Management!

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